Welcome to the Reduction.
Globally, there have been roughly 31 million excess deaths (a number amounting to all of Australia and New Zealand combined) since 2020, and—according to the following study, looking back at the record of fact since the pandemic began in 2020—the large majority of the excess deaths around the world have had nothing to do with the virus itself but rather the response (largely instituted by globalist entities), specifically naming such protocols as intubating and ventilating.
Take note of the patterns, as with this one example: On September 11, 2001, only 3000 people died in the World Trade Centre attack, and the USA went insane for revenge, as prompted by the billionaire-run media. Now, 31 million dead by protocols pushed by the Gates Foundation's WHO, and it gets swept under the rug by the billionaire-run media.
This is what modern genocide looks like, and we're not even touching on the aspect of sterilization and declining birth rates (mentioned again towards the end).
The following video details the study well.
"31 MILLION Excess Deaths: What caused them?"
Here below is a link to the study out of Canada that the presenter above is addressing: "...excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the [Khofid-19] period 2020-2023 regarding socio-economic factors and public health and medical interventions":
They "...describe plausible mechanisms and argue that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality during (and after) the [Khofid-19] period are:
“1) Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes
“2) Non-[KHOFID-19-vhakseen] medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics)” [also, various forms of benzos like lorazepam were used to calm patients but essentially paralyzed their diaphragms making breathing difficult or impossible, retarding the body’s autonomic ability to fight for breath]
“3) [KHOFID]-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same populations"
The response of all Commonwealth nations, not to mention a pile of others, was widely noted by doctors everywhere as being counter to long-established pandemic protocols. These doctors were immediately thereafter ostracized by the media and governing bodies, in lockstep, despite these entities not having or not presenting any evidence that their new protocols worked.
To help explain the multi-layered nature of this genocide, consider the following report from Statistics Canada stating that in the first year of the jabocide rollout, 2021, the largest decrease in the national birth rate was observed in over 50 years.
"The decline in the total fertility rate (TFR) observed in Canada from 2021 to 2022 (-7.4%) was the largest since 1971-1972 (-7.6%)..."
The strategy is death by a thousand cuts. Everything that reduces the population is on the table, especially those things that decrease life years or cause other diseases, effectively hiding the origins of the increased mortality.
If the jabocide seemed dangerously coercive to many people that's because it was. Who does this kinda thing? People like those seven Nazi doctors who were sentenced to death after WWII.
Today, due to efficiency, this is what modern warfare looks like. Boots on the ground is largely a thing of the past.
This genocide has everything to do with billionaires being worried about their God-status in the face of overpopulation.
As our ecologically overshooting trajectories would suggest, looking back to 1927 when we first hit 2 billion globally, and exactly 47 years later in 1974 when we hit 4 billion, and more recently 47 years later in 2021 hitting 8 billion, we are on pace for our next doubling in 2068 (16b), and 2115 (32 billion). We cannot adapt quickly enough to deal with this issue, no matter the technology we may think we have to put in place. It all takes too much time, at a time when we're more divided globally than ever before. No decisions will be carried out soon enough. Too little too late.
Before all of that, before humanity’s pattern of exponential growth kicked in, before that moment when we stepped outside of the balance of nature by discovering antibiotics in 1926, our earlier doubling from 1 billion to 2 billion took approximately 123 years, from 1804-1927.
Humanity was half a billion by around 1550 AD, which means that earlier doubling took around 250 years.
So we only entered into the first “predictable-doubling period” in 1927, which is a significant milestone when talking about our closed system (eath’s ecosphere) with no natural predator. This is the evidence of ecological overshoot, a term that describes a populational pattern of exponential growth, implying its eventual and ultimately unavoidable demise.
As I've been warning people over the past couple of decades during my political campaigns, the billionaires know overpopulation well, and they're scared af about it because wherever this exponential doubling has been observed in nature, it always ends in a 99%+ starvation dieoff.
In humanity’s case, that would suggest a reduction to 80 million total humans if nothing is done to control or reduce our next predictable doubling.
Big Money—a term I use to describe the sociopathically rich—intoxicated by its power, fears a natural super crash more than death itself, which is why we’ve been noticing all the insidious attacks on every aspect of health, food security, and public safety.
Of course, population collapse will be bad for all of us—their livestock—but imagine how a billionaire would process this challenge, or a consortium of billionaires, who together might effectively be able to do something insane about it, like ending the large majority of useless eaters.
And still, we lay sleeping.